Ellipsus is a collaborative writing tool made for human-to-human creativity.

Made for creative writers

Plenty of tools are made for memos, notes, and to-do lists. That’s not us.

Ellipsus is here to help you build worlds, wrench hearts, raise eyebrows, and celebrate creativity in all its forms.


That's us, collaborating!

One place for drafts, edits, and discussions

Your bespoke Docs-to-Discord-to-DM-to-Docs-to-??? process isn’t polishing that prose any faster. (And to be honest, it sounds pretty stressful.) Streamline the way you write, edit, and manage feedback with Ellipsus. 

Stay in control with connected drafts
Keep feedback focused with comments + drafts
Write, draft, merge, repeat

A principled alternative—by writers, for writers

We think writers should be free to express their creative vision—away from aggressive censorship and the prying eyes of AI.

Your content is YOURS.

No generative AI—ever.