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Oversharers Anonymous: Templates for Deeper Character Development

Creating complex, real characters means going a few layers beneath the surface... and that's where character development templates come in!

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  • Rex Mizrach
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What your characters are dying to tell you

Fictional characters never seem to run out of secrets—the more you dig, the more imperfect and relatable they become. But creating complex, real characters means going a few layers beneath the surface. For compelling character-driven storytelling, your characters are never just who they are in the moment—they’re a collection of histories, losses, fears, hopes, and relationships that quietly (or… not-so-quietly) shape how they change, who they love, what they've lost, and why they act the way they do. Character development templates can help you map the emotional undercurrents that propel your story forward, making for fascinating and unforgettable characters.

We’ve already shared our (very, very longcomprehensive character sheet—so if you're looking to inspire a new plot, get to know your existing characters better, or just procrastinate a little while “doing research,” that’s a great place to start. Now, we've added three templates to trace arcs, relationships, and backstories that breathe even more life into your characters. (We all know someone who overshares at inopportune times—but when it’s a character? That’s the good stuff.)

You can find these templates (and more) right in Ellipsus—just choose from template when you start a new document.

Character Arc Planning Template

Track your character’s growth from the first page to the end, whether they’re quietly evolving, overcoming deep-seated fears, achieving hard-fought goals, or spiraling into chaos every time the wind changes. This worksheet will help define what changes (and what doesn't) for your character over the course of your story—and why it matters.

  • Will this character change by the end—or will they resist change?
  • Is their growth tied to internal struggles, external conflicts/forces, or both?
  • What lie(s) does this character believe about themselves or the world?
  • What truth(s) must they accept in order to grow?

Character Relationship Template

Friends, enemies, lovers, rivals, all of the above… Relationships define characters just as much as their personal backstory. Use this template to chart connections between characters, explore dynamics like trust, power dynamics, love languages, and communication styles, and track how their relationships shift over time (for better or much, much worse).

  • How do they express care or frustration? (Do they show love, friendship, etc. through words, actions, sacrifices, etc.?)
  • What unspoken things exist between them? (Secrets, past betrayals, feelings left unsaid.)
  • How do they change around each other? (Do they become braver, softer, angrier, more reckless?)

Character Emotional Wound Template

Past wounds shape present actions, and lasting scars define a character’s worldview and trajectory. This worksheet is designed to help you explore your character’s formative experiences—big and small moments that shaped their fears, defense mechanisms, and formed their core motivations—so you can write with nuance and care (and perhaps ruin their life just a little).

  • When someone unknowingly (or explicitly) reminds them of a traumatic event, how do they react?
  • Who or what helps them process emotions? (Or do they deal with them alone?)
  • Is there an object or symbol that holds emotional weight for them?
  • Is there a place they avoid? (A childhood home, a battlefield, a particular city.)

Go ahead; get nosy

These templates are designed to work together or stand alone, filling the gaps of a well-worn character, or helping during the planning process to dream up entirely new personalities. The more you know about your characters—what shaped their behavior, formed their perspectives and internal worlds—the more authentic their actions and relationships will feel. And the more opportunities you’ll find for twists, emotional payoffs, and deeply satisfying arcs.

Ready to dig a little (or a lot) deeper? Check them out on Ellipsus, and let your characters take it from there!

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