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New in Ellipsus: February 2025

Following our themes release in January, we’re adding a few other delightful features designed to help get those words flowing. Whether you respond best to deadlines, the right vibe, or a ready-to-go blueprint, there’s something for all writers.

Written by
  • Kate Donahue
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Stay motivated with a built-in timer

Some days, it’s easy to do everything but write. But if you can will yourself to park those cheeks and put fingers to keys for just five minutes, you might amaze yourself. Five minutes can become twenty, and one stilted sentence can become a vibrant, fleshed-out scene.

We want to help you build a consistent writing habit, so we’ve added a customizable timer directly in the editor. Just set a time (between one minute and a full day*) and start writing. At the end of the session, Dottie**—Sussy’s cheerful counterpart—will pop in to let you know how many words were added or removed during your session.

*We don’t advise writing for 24 hours straight. Sleep is essential!

**Stay tuned for an official lore drop for Dottie and Sussy.

Write in style with 15 new fonts

Speaking of productivity … the right font can also get those creative juices flowing. To help with that spark, we added 15 new fonts that offer a range of options—from literary to handwritten, from highly legible to elvish-adjacent. You can check out the full list in our help center or explore them during your next editing session.

Let us know what fonts you want to see next!

Duplicate documents and drafts

This update is simple but powerful. Now, you—and only you—can duplicate your documents and all their drafts. (Version history, comments, chat messages, and collaborators won’t carry over.) Duplication unlocks a few potential use cases:

  • Share duplicates of a story with different audiences, ensuring feedback from each group is kept separate.
  • Organize digital backups of completed works in an archive folder. (Multiple backups FTW!)
  • Create makeshift templates to start a new story or support an ongoing project.

In need of a few good templates to spark inspiration? Watch this space …

Escape the enshittification cycle

Many of the products and communities we once loved (or were at least tacitly okay with) are becoming actively worse and, in some cases, downright hostile toward creative freedom. In February, we published our thoughts on the enshittification of creative spaces (and how we plan to be different!).

It’s also good to remember that, while it sometimes feels like you can’t escape the gaping maw of big tech, you do have options. There are dozens of alternatives out there for email, storage, web browsers, and more. (Insert shameless plug for Ellipsus here!) We put together a not-comprehensive-but-hopefully-still-helpful list for those of you looking to de-Google your personal life.

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